Dear DSBN Families,
Please see information below from Niagara Student Transportation Services (NSTS) about student transportation for the upcoming 2023-24 school year.
Back to School 2023: Student Transportation Information
On Monday, August 21, 2023, Niagara Student Transportation Services (NSTS) will post preliminary back to school transportation arrangements for each student enrolled, if they meet policy eligibility for transportation, including bus route numbers, stop locations and times. Finalized Transportation information will be available on Thursday, August 31, 2023.
Please visit and sign-in to the secure Parent Portal to get your child's student transportation information. To sign-in to the portal, you will need your child's Ontario Education Number (OEN), which can be found on their report card. While signed in, please subscribe to the 'delay' and 'cancellation' module for direct and timely emails regarding student transportation that impacts your child's bus route.
Please complete the Opt-In Transportation form in the Parent Portal to notify NSTS if you intend to have your child(ren) ride the bus. If you have Opted-In your child(ren) for student transportation this school year (2022/23), there is no need to Opt-In again for the new school year (2023/24). You can also Opt-Out of Transportation if you do not intend to have your child(ren) ride the bus.
Eligibility information is also available through the portal, including pedestrian directions if your child lives within the non-transported zone of the school and is not eligible for bus service.
Changes to home, pick-up or drop-off addresses must be made through your child's school. During the summer you may notify NSTS of address changes so we can ensure a bus stop is available for your child to start the school year; however, NSTS is not authorized to change student address information.
With the availability of the secure Parent Portal, NSTS will not mail student transportation notices (except for Kindergarten students or new students to the system who do not have an OEN to sign-in to the portal).
Please contact your school or NSTS directly if you have questions regarding your child's transportation arrangements.
Phone: 905-357-6787