If you are in a crisis, do not wait for an appointment.
Please call Pathstone's 24/7 Help Line at 1-800-263-4944 (if 17 and younger), or Coast 24/7 Crisis Line (if 16 or over) at 1-866-550-5205, or dial 911.
We have a Social Worker and a Youth Counsellor at Sir Winston. Find them "Behind the Yellow Door" by the Main Office.
Here are the different supports offered by each.
A Youth Counsellor can help you with: self-esteem, anger/aggression, social skills, peer relations, basic needs, and/or stress management. Our Youth Counsellor is Ronna Katzman, and she can be reached by email - R. Katzman.
A Social Worker can help you with the following:
- mental health support
- suicidal thoughts
- self-harm
- substance abuse
- gender identity support/sexual orientation
- family conflict
- abuse
- bereavement
Our Social Worker is
Lorelei Gold, and she can be reached by email -
L. Gold
Students who require CASON services are referred to CASON through our Youth Counsellor, Social Worker, Student Success Teacher, or School Administrators.
Other Supports Offered at Sir Winston:
There are many staff members ready to help. During these times, we ask that you begin by emailing them your question or concern.
Mr. Onclin
A. Onclin is an email away in Success.
Mr. Smith
S. Smith is an email away in Resource.
And Ms. Volcansek
J. Volcansek and Mr. Wilson
M. Wilson are an email away in the Main Office.